Thursday, November 5, 2009

Shell Shock!

Hello Gamers!

Today's Game of the Day is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time. This game was released for the Arcade in 1991 and was released for the SNES April 12, 1992. This game is a basic two player beat’em up game where players fight though New York and then different time periods before they face off against Shredder.

                                                (Amazing Box Art huh?)

This has to be the BEST ninja turtle game ever hands down. If you have not played this and you are a Turtles fan you have to get it now. The best player that you could be in this game would have to be Donatello or Leonardo and the best level in this game has to be the Pirate level or the final battle with Shredder. The best thing about this game is the replay ability. I remember growing up as a kid that we used to play this game to death with my brothers and that it was one of the first games in our SNES library. I give this game 10 Pizza Times out of 10.