Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Now your playing with Superpower!

Hello Gamers!

Today's Game of the Day is Super MArio World released on the SNES owith's it lunch date on November 21, 1990. This is the first game on the SNES and the introduction of Yoshi in gameplay with Mario and Luigi rideing on his back. Like previous games this game is a two-palyer sidescroller with you going though many worlds to rescure the princess from King Koppa.

I LOVE this game it is probley one of the best SNES games ever and a great way to start of the Nintendo's new console. With some new power ups, Yoshi, and seecret levels this game has lots replayabilty and is great for all gamers. If you have not play this you have to check it out. I give this game 10 Magic Feathers out of 10.