Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Sequel thats a Prequel?

Hello Gamers!

Today's Game of the Day is Lufia II:Rise of the Sinistrals which is an RPG released on the SNES in Auguest 31 1996.

Like most RPG's of the SNES era this was a very good game! The story was the main force behind in how it told of the hero for the first game tale of their father so you get to see what happen prior to the events in the first game. We owned and played this game before we knew the first game even existed so it was pretty interesting to see me and my brother's reaction when we found out this game was a prequel. All in all this game has great longevity, a great story, and many plot twists you get from a RPG. I give this game 7 swords out of 10.